Abstract Submission

Submission Deadline: Aug. 24, 2023 (Thu.) 23:59(JST=GMT+9:00)
Aug. 31, 2023 (Thu.) (Extended)
Acceptance Notification: Late September, 2023
Accepted abstracts Disclosure: Early October, 2023

Preparing Abstracts

All delegates are encouraged to submit a single page abstract. The template for the abstract can be downloaded from the following link, containing detailed abstract preparation and formatting instructions. Each abstract should be prepared in the PDF format, on A4 paper sheet (210mm x 297mm) with the file size less than 10MB.

Presentation Preference

Please choose a preferred presentation type (“Oral” or “Poster”).

Submitting Abstracts

All abstracts should be submitted electronically through the online submission site. Clicking “Abstract Submission” button below will direct you to the submission site.
You will be asked to create an account first when you start using the submission system. After creating an account, you can log in to submit your abstract(s). You can update your account information or replace the uploaded abstract file(s) at any time before the submission deadline. We strongly recommend that you first create an account well in advance, before your abstract becomes finally ready for submission.
All the accepted abstracts will be published electronically and disclosed to the participants on Early October, 2023

Abstract Submission